D: No local farms in France? Would probably be a bit more expensive to buy vegetables from them, but if you have local farms, they might have an option where you can pay and they send vegetables to your house every once in awhile. At least you would be getting the veggies you need. >_<
I dunno about that, but there are many stores that have decent looking veggies and fruits, I'll just have to walk a bit further than usual @_@; thanks for worrying though, sis <3 I'll manage it somehow~
Nice, vad använder du för program till färgläggningen? Själv ritar jag bara i MS Paint (originalet alltså).
Jag använder Paint Tool SAI för att rita, och en ritplatta eller "tablet" som det heter. Märket är Wacom på ritplattan i fall du är intresserad av att köpa en bra. ^^